Digital-first Solutions for Women's Mental Health Driven by AI
Meeting women where they are, when they are
Shifting the paradigm of Women's healthcare

Empathy intertwined with technology
Contextualized care across all life stages: fertility, childbirth, menopause, and more
Our digital-first behavioral health solutions are:
supported by health coaches and therapists
evidence based & clinical trial-tested
making care accessible anytime, anywhere

Our Early Adopters & Partners


Personalized Pregnancy & Motherhood Partner in Your Pocket

Awards & Recognitions
Business Insider
Selected by Business Insider as top 34 companies in women’s health
Point32 Finalist
Point32 innovation Finalist 2023
OPPI Excellence in Innovation Award for Start-ups
Finalist for OPPI Excellence in Innovation award for healthcare start-ups 2023
Health Plan Innovation
Selected as finalist for Health plan innovation round table (HPIR)
Most Innovative
Selected as Most Innovated Company by BioNJ
Prix Galien
Nominated for the Prex Galien Award 2023
Venture of the Year
Selected as Venture of the Year 2022 by Venturefuel
CSIT R&D Award
Selected for the Maternal and Infant Health R&D Program by the New Jersey Commission on Science, Innovation and Technology (CSIT)
Growth Stage Finalist 2023

Why Curio?
platform with digital first, cloud first, mobile first and AI enabled solutions and products for every stage of women’s life
Cutting edge digital evidence based digital therapy based on neuro behavioral intervention like CBT
Only company in women's health with Prescription Digital Therapeutic (PDT) authorized by the FDA for the treatment of Postpartum depression (PPD) symptoms
End to end platform with AI-Driven predictive algorithm used for identification and risk-stratification
Building the largest body of evidence with 7 studies including randomized controlled trials

For women. By Women.
Our Impact
Stigma Free
Your own judgment free space at your fingertips

Curio-I: Technology Driving Women's Health Through Insights
Early identification & triage of common mental health disorders that effect women.
Turning your data into actionable insights.