Get MamaLift Plus
The first and only FDA-approved app - a digital therapeutic for treatment of PPD symptoms.

How MamaLift Plus works


8-Week Guided Therapy Program
Access self-paced therapy sessions proven to treat symptoms of post partum depression & if needed session with therapist consultant—digital when you want it, human when you need
Personalized Daily Care Kit​
Access tailored tools like interactive exercises, meditations, augmented reality activities, and journaling to support your journey every day.
Earn Rewards for Prioritizing Your Wellness
Collect points as you progress through therapy and redeem them in our exclusive marketplace, featuring essentials and treats for new moms and babies.
Quick Emotional Check-In
Start with a simple self-assessment to understand how you are feeling.

Want to know more? Watch the MamaLift Plus video

#1 Research-Backed Support
Developed by scientists | Endorsed by moms
of moms achieve a meaningful improvement in depression symptoms
Businesswire, April 2024
of moms would recommend using MamaLift to a friend
2020. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
Check out what physicians are saying:
​At this time, when we see a woman with PPD who is interested in psychotherapy, we offer a name, a phone number or maybe a website; however, we know that the majority of women who receive a referral for psychotherapy never make it to the first session. As a clinician, imagine making a treatment recommendation that can be started almost immediately.
- Ruta Nonacs, MD PhD
Director of Scientific Communications, Department of Psychiatry, MGH
Motherhood Wins – Stories of Success
Being a mom made me aware of the difficulties I felt during motherhood. This learning gave me strategies to deal with them better.
30 years old
There were two key ideas I retained — accepting that I am not infallible and asking for help. Every day I put them into practice and with that, I learn to be a better mother for my children.
40 years old
The program helped me to stop and breathe in some situations that seem to be too demanding and focus my attention on what is most important.
25 years old
What I liked most is that their app is the intermediary between me and a doctor. So, I can kind of deal with any symptoms before an actual doctor shows up if there’s any.
38 years old

Traditional Therapy
Get started immediately, anytime, 24/7.
Therapy at your fingertips, done at your convenience.
Economical and accessible care.
Private, personalized sessions- even while taking care of your baby.

Platform with digital first, cloud first, mobile first and AI enabled solutions and products for every stage of women’s life.